Our Solutions

Our team is here to share deep expertise in modern anti-fraud techniques and technologies across different industries. Find solutions tailored to your business needs.
By use cases
By industries

Account Takeover Prevention

Account takeover prevention will help businesses keep their reputation and loyalty safe. JuicyScore fraud detection tools protect brands from financial damages.

Application Fraud Prevention

Application fraud is a new trend when hackers use stolen or synthetic identities to get money online. Learn how to detect and prevent application risks.

Multi-Accounting Fraud Prevention

Multi-accounting is a type of fraud when fraudster create more than one account to take advantage of lending, insurance, gaming, betting and ecommerce services.

Bonus Abuse Fraud Prevention

Scammers use different bonus abuse techniques to take advantage of free cash, welcome packages, and sign-up offers. Learn how businesses can prevent bonus fraud.

New Account Fraud Prevention

Discover key strategies to prevent fraudulent account openings. Utilize solutions like device fingerprinting and behavior analysis to stop account creation abuse.

Chargeback Fraud Prevention

Learn how to prevent fraudulent chargebacks and chargeback scams. Discover JuicyScore’s chargeback fraud detection tools and prevention solutions for businesses.

Transaction Fraud Detection

Learn how to protect your business from financial loss with transaction fraud detection tools and prevention systems.

Device ID Verification

Selecting a proper identity verification is a challenge for online companies. JuicyScore offers a comprehensive device ID verification solution to meet different business needs.

Synthetic Fraud Prevention

Find out how artificial intelligence is powering advanced defenses against the growing threat of synthetic ID fraud.

Payment Fraud Detection

Discover tools to prevent online payment fraud through effective fraud detection and analysis.

Real-Time Fraud Protection

Find out how real-time monitoring and instant detection enables organizations to identify fraudulent activity as it occurs and take immediate action.

Fraud Scoring

Fraud scoring systems leverage machine learning models to detect fraudulent transactions and curb revenue loss.

Credit Card Fraud Detection

With JuicyScore, companies get a chance to create a full-scale all-in-one solution for detecting and preventing all emerging types of credit card fraud in real-time.

Microlending Fraud Prevention

Microlending businesses can mitigate the risk of mobile fraud and protect both borrowers and the organization from financial losses and reputational damage.