API - JuicyScore Blog

We are here to help you enhance your business safety. Please, give a warm welcome to API 15 – the ultimate anti-fraud suite designed with different industries in mind. Here we have a ready-to-use improved technological stack featuring authentication tools to spot and prevent technological anomalies, device randomization, social engineering, and other types of fraud.

The 15th gen API JuicyScore introduces improved instruments to upgrade in informativeness, keep your business safe, and improve clients’ loyalty. Let’s have a closer look under the API 15 hood.

What IS API 15?

So, what actually is API 15? It is a set of advanced technologies that help to better evaluate the risk of potential fraud. In simpler words, you get a full-scale toolkit for remote access identification based on IDX indexes for better data tracking.
API 15 lets you run anomaly tests and customize the toolkit following your niche-specific needs. It comes with a stable architecture to ensure a high system performance level.
Get yourself the ultimate API 15 anti-fraud bundle and ensure business safety at all levels. The system allows to cover the entire device probability space completely and also very thoroughly specify segments and assess risk.

What is in the Box?

Generic Score is a blend of models built upon IDX1-IDX10 aggregators along with a set of auxiliary variables. An IDX variable represents a blend of rare factors and events generated via ML-based algorithms.

Each combination of algorithms and factors refers to a single variable. In simpler words, the system can process huge data layers for real-time scoring. It helps to model or integrate improved decision-making systems for different types of financial institutions.

With our newly updated PI 15 suite, you get:

  • The response vector got 15 new variables.
  • Scoring informativeness growth exceeded 30%, and indexes’ informativeness in the new API version increased by more than 55%.
  • We managed to minimize 1st and 2nd kind errors for device authentication.
    • 3 new technologies were added;;
    • 18 technologies have made crucial improvements..
  • 80+ technology abnormality and randomization tests were added.
  • System performance grew by 25% thanks to a more stable architecture.

Updated and newly developed rules made it possible to ensure a tremendous growth of index informativeness along with 15 new API variables added. Below, you can watch the dynamics of index informativeness growth in the latest versions of our API.

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Generic Score is a blend of models built upon IDX1-IDX10 aggregators along with a set of auxiliary variables.

Stop Markers - IDX 1

IDX1 contains a combination of 40+ rare events and helps to identify any kind of device manipulation, for example, randomizers. The index is responsible for identifying any sign of device-assisted anomalies within the Internet infrastructure. A vast variety of technical means lets IDX1 not only detect device randomizing techniques but also interfere with their digital footprint. IDX1 detects the most harmful markers that define users’ inadequate fraudulent activities as well as internet connection markers.

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Stop markers can be used together with other rules. Additionally, they can be used as a separate model’s component to prevent the risk of fraud and detect customer’s weakest segments. The risk level grows together with the underlying parameter. In simpler words, the higher the IDX rate, the higher the risk of fraud. High values can be used as filters to trigger automatic rejection.

User Behavioral Markers - IDX2

The index was designed to help companies reduce operational risks. By utilizing specific behavioral factors, IDX2 actually helps sort out large data layers received at a time.

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Imagine a loan provider that receives plenty of applications from the same device or a single user at a time. Well, the index makes it possible to identify the type of device manipulation. Using a range of technical parameters, it tracks requests, evaluates data stability or level of randomization, reveals high-risk segments that refer to fraudulent user behavior, rate “credit” risks, and more.

Device Markers - IDX 3

Social engineering scams use call-center imitation technologies and randomizers in an effort to benefit from financial services or still credentials. Hackers often use fake data for loan/credit approval. IDX3 can analyze a variety of device factors that highlight a high-risk segment.

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IDX3 comes with a mixture of secondary markers of device-related anomalies. Every mismatch itself can be a red flag while a combination of abnormalities, when triggered simultaneously, defines a specific risk zone.

Internet Connection Markers - IDX4

Why would we ever need to analyze network parameters? The data received helps to detect potentially risky abnormalities. For instance, a user tries to access the application from a browser that is not typical of his or her location. It might be a sign of remote access or anonymizer.

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With IDX4, businesses can quickly detect such kinds of mismatches as well as evaluate the overall Internet infrastructure, connectivity quality, and other essential parameters. The index relies on a blend of network parameters and abnormalities. High index values can be used to detect and prevent the risk of fraud.

Internet Infrastructure Quality Index - IDX6

While social engineering is on the rise, financial institutions need some more effective tools to reduce operational risks. With this thought in mind, we improved our IDX6 pack. It contains a set of extra device-assisted markers to detect possible anomalies and mismatches.

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What’s more, IDX6 is highly recommended for evaluating credit risks. It can be used as the parameter of the credit scoring model. All you need is to associate the index value with the quality of users’ internet connection quality.

Device Application Quality - IDX7

The index was designed to enhance the mobile safety level. The idea is to use specific parameters to analyze applications installed. The system looks for any kind of anomalies or mismatches. In the end, you get an accurate digital profile of potential credit risks alongside various fraud typologies.

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IDX7 is recommended to identify credit risks and different fraud risk typologies.

Aggregated Data Assessment from the Application - IDX8

Data manipulation fraud can lead to crucial business or user data damage. When hackers manipulate data, they change essential info to take advantage of financial services or deceive others. DX8 is an indicator that reveals manipulations with application data.

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It allocates anomalies and mismatches that are the sign of fraud. The variable contains different parameters including multiple repeating phone digits or user’s locations as well as repeating device imprint.

Mobile Device App Risk Level of an Applicant - IDX9

IDX9 is an extra variable used to enhance your API 15 user experience. It utilizes additional parameters to make the most of application analyses.

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It tracks all apps installed on the user’s device and then generates a specific value to identify the risk of potential fraud. Businesses can use this value as a stop or rejection filter triggered by different types of anomalies.

Disposable Income Index - IDX10

Here we have another extra index that is responsible for evaluating the population risk segment by the level of disposable income. A perfect tool for loan providers and financial organizations that want to have a clear digital profile of their applicants. The generated index value clarifies the client’s ability to repay the debt. IDX10 provides enhanced operational risk evaluation capabilities.

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If the higher the variable value, the lower the fraud risk. We highly recommend using this parameter for evaluating operational and credit risks.

New API 15 Variables

Technologies skyrocketed to a new level triggering the growth of fraud scheme complexity. So, each year, we invest our financial and time resources in exploring, analyzing, and developing new variables and rules that would not only let us keep up but also outperform scammers.

Below, you can see examples of adding new variables and rules into API 15.

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The above-mentioned indexes and variables represent only a small part of the bigger API 15 update. We realize the importance of constant enhancement of the markers’ set along with stop-factors that ensure momentum cost saving and loss reduction caused by fraud risks. Our team constantly works on technology improvements and innovations to provide our partners and clients with state-of-the-art instruments to evaluate suspicious and high-risk customers as well as prevent their fraudulent practices.